OBD2 to MQTT for Home Assistant
Webinstaller and Console
This page provides the Webinstaller and a live USB Console.
For further information about OBD2 to MQTT please go to https://github.com/adlerre/obd2-mqtt.
- The Webinstall will install the latest firmware (Version v0.19.3).
- For the installation, make sure to switch the ESP32 to Bootloader mode by keeping the FLASH button pressed while the RESET button gets released. if there is no FLASH button, you need to pull GPIO0 low!
- After the installation, a manual reset might be required!
- Please note that not all web browsers and operating systems support the necessary USB access needed for this Webinstaller!
- To select the right device search for a print on PCB.
Installer and Console powered by ESP Web Tools